Armonía awarded Honorable Mention
In February 2022 I was contacted by a staff member of Atrepreneur, and got introduced to an amazing online gallery that truly believes in launching artists careers. They had an amazing open call and I decided to apply. To my surprise I received an Honorable mention.
Source : https://artrepreneur.com/opencall/abstractions
Our earliest relationship with the physical world is expressed through primary concepts. As children when we are asked to represent what we see and feel, the world is flat and based on simplifications, glyphs, and symbols. Houses are squares, happiness is a U-shaped smile, motion is a series of straight lines. The understanding of spatial illusions is counterintuitive and taught through years of training. Our eyes see the world in light and shadow, but our minds show it to us as simple outlines if we can ever actually hold an image in our imagination at all. Abstraction is a world beyond illusion, an autonomous visual language detached from references to physical, objective, figurative, or spatial reality. Abstraction may imply through non-literal, non-illusionistic concepts, a word, a symbol. Mood or emotion is inferred through color, shape, gestures, or forms.